Monday, August 6, 2012

My Interview WIth Jessica L.

One of the things that I love about this model is she is so given or her art as a model. She is married and has two beautiful sons. She doesn't let that stop her from going after what she wants.
1.     Jessica when did you first decide that you wanted to model and after you decide this how long did it take you before you got into it?
I knew I wanted to be a model/actress since I was 6 or 7. After trying some silly modeling thing at a hotel when I was 16 that amounted to nothing, I thought the industry was untouchable for a small town girl like me. After marriage, and two pregnancies  (that just about felt back to back) my body had changed a lot! I never thought I’d ever be able to pursue my modeling/acting dreams.  I finally made the decision to exercise and eat better! After some time I finally lost all of the weight but still wasn’t sure if I had what it takes. After seeing the results from a photo shoot I did in January, I was pleasantly surprised and started believing in myself.  A new friend of mine at the time encouraged me to go to a fashion show casting this past February.  I’m so glad she did. It was then I started networking and introducing myself to every local person in the industry I could. Including you!  I had no idea what I was doing but I decided I just needed to push myself… Now or never, has been my motto!
2.     What are some of the best and hard moments you’ve had as a model?
Well, I’ve been turned away or not accepted for jobs because of my physical stats. I’m not 6” tall, nor do I weigh 110 lbs. But I say, if someone says no, I’m approaching the wrong  person or job. I can’t take it personally because if I do, I’ll be kicked out of the industry faster than I can blink! This is a job… I am a brand… the right people will use me for their promotion and I’m more than happy to promote what I believe in! I’m me, and won’t change that for anything. It took me understanding this industry to understand the turn down. I’m okay with that and it will not stop me from pursuing my dreams!  The best moments I’ve had as a model are with the amazing people I’ve met in this industry. I’ve made so many friends in such a short period of time, it’s shocking! I love to have fun, get the job done, and expand in my growth and knowledge! The first 3 photographers I’ve worked with in this industry have been loyal and supportive friends to me… They’ve expressed belief and taught me what I know! I have you/them to thank for that! I’ve met so many more amazing photographers, designers, stylists, models,makeup artists, hair stylists, boutique owners, etc, that I’ve worked with in the short amount of time I’ve been in this industry… I’m just blessed and grateful! 

3.     As a mother, do you find it easy to be in the industry?
It definitely has its challenges but so far so good. I laugh sometimes after I get off the phone with someone in the industry and I think, if they could see me now! For instance, one day I was on the phone with a stylist/jewelry designer and  was being asked to be interviewed for her blog, as well as being told about some upcoming opportunities. As I’m on the phone, thankful and excited, my kids open the front door, my dog runs outside and down two blocks. I’m barefoot with my 2 year old on my hip, my 4 year old crying that his dog is running away, and a fresh baked blueberry muffin in my hand trying to bribe my big 90 lb black lab back home. It wasn’t until we were half way back home, when I’ve got the dog by the collar, phone between my ear and shoulder, and kid still on the hip, that the phone call ended… Successfully though!  Another time was also on the phone, coordinating details for an amazing photo shoot in Canada! In my robe, after breakfast, I had one child clinging to the front of me, and one on my back…. I’m walking from room to room carrying on a perfect conversation and juggling (literally) my kids who were pretending they were baby monkeys! I got off the phone and just laughed! Those were two rare cases and neither of the people on the opposite end of the phone had any clue what was going on! I usually schedule phone calls and meetings during naptime, but still…. it’s my reality! I have an amazing husband, in laws, sister, and niece, who are a great support, and help with the kiddos when I’m away on gigs. I’m blessed to have them! J
4.     For a young girl or any woman who is also a mother, who maybe wants to model, but thinks they can't, what would you tell them?
Do it. If it is your dream, do it. BE CONFIDENT! I didn’t think I had it in me… my body changed, I fought hard to get it back. I had a few people that helped encourage me enough to believe in myself. I was in a dark place with my self esteem at one point. If I can do it, so can you! If you’re a mommy, push yourself to live out your dreams and balance your babies at the same time. Your children will be glad and proud of you some day that you didn’t throw your dreams away, just because you had them…. But that you wanted to prove that in life, you never give up. If you get nothing more than the most amazing experience (outside of being a mother) from this industry, you will be so proud of yourself, and so will the people that are genuinely supportive, encouraging and loving.
5.     Do you have anything else you want to share with everyone?
~Not everyone will support you! Some people you think will, won’t.  People will come out of the woodwork to support you… people you never thought payed attention. That will be enough to get your mind off the people that you thought would support you, but don’t... or don’t genuinely. Don’t get discouraged, be strong and prove anyone negative wrong by living your dreams the best you know how!  One of my favorite quotes is by Colin Powell . “Your friends will stretch your vision or choke your dream. Those that don’t increase you, will eventually decrease you.”  So be thankful for the people that are genuine and stay focused on your goals!  
~One more thing… remember to be loyal to everyone you work with. Don’t be backstabbing, don’t be dishonest, and be genuine, loyal, and grateful for every opportunity and positive person!
~Best wishes to you! Please like my facebook model  and find me on Model Mayhem #2681515!
“Those who say it can’t be done will be interrupted by someone else doing it.” Harry Emerson Fosdick.  SO DO IT! J

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